Friday, December 29, 2006

A whole month???!

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I posted! I'm going to get better at this! Well, what's happened in this month? Hmm....the same running back and forth to karate...taking kids to school...doing PTO things...Christmas shopping and wrapping presents! Boy, am I glad THAT'S over! I love Christmas! Really! It's the shopping and wrapping presents I hate. I did manage to get a few gifts made. I made clipboards for my ds's and youngest dd's teachers. I made some earrings and domino necklaces for our nieces..which, of course, I forgot to take pictures of! I stress over Christmas gift giving way too much. I'm always worried the person won't like what I gave them. I think next year we'll tone down our gift giving a bit. Especially to our 3 children. They get way more than they need! I hope everyone of you had a wonderful holiday! Did you get what you wanted? I got a cute sweatshirt with Grumpy on it that says 'Moody' from my kids. My DH got me a shirt that says 'Doesn't Play Well With Others'. lol He also got me a shirt from our karate school, which I actually picked out. Each of the kids got one too. I ordered myself the Traci Bautista book 'Collage UnLEASED' and that's from his also. I hope it comes today! I'm so excited!
Can you believe it's almost 2007!? Do you have any resolutions?? I'll share mine later in the week.

Have a great day!

The pics today are of the clipboards I made.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Just another Manic Monday...

Phew! I'm glad the weekend is over! Had a great Thanksgiving with all my DH's family here. Ate WAY too much, as usual! My son and I braved the stores Friday morning. We had to run my 2 daughters and cousin to town to meet my SIL and family. The girls were spending the weekend with them. My son, who's 9, and I went to Michael's, Hobby Lobby and Books-a-Million. I avoided places like the mall and Wal-Mart!! We had a nice lunch together. He said we need to do that more often. lol Saturday and Sunday were spent lounging around the house. Back to the grind again today! Paying bills...doing PTO!

The pic today is of me and my DH on Thanksgiving Day. His sister insisted on taking it because I wouldn't stop taking pictures of her! lol

Wednesday, November 22, 2006!

I now remember why I don't like having indoor dogs. House training is the pits! I've cleaned up after him so many times in the 5 days he's been here. Ugh! He did, at least, sleep all night long last night without whining.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! We may be having around 30 folks at our house. Thankfully it's supposed to be in the upper 60's and I can ship the kids ( and Merlin!) outside for a bit. I like having the holiday gatherings at my house though. I'm considering braving the crowds Friday. I need to start Christmas shopping. There are also some art supplies I need. lol

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

The pic today is just a random pic

I took on a walk around our pond in September.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

It's the last day of school this week. home.....for 5 days straight............

I hope to get some Christmas shopping done this weekend. I like to shop...sometimes, but boy do I hate fighting those crowds!

I'm going to have to work on some things this weekend in my craft room. I'll turn the Christmas music up loud and sing along and play, play, PLAY! That should scare the family away. lol

The pic today is of a little pendant I made yesterday out of one of those laminate samples from Lowe's. I was in the mood to play. Hmm....Why can't I be in the mood to clean? hehe Scrapbooking paper for the background...ArtChix Studio image... some metal accents and a small gemstone.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Early on a Sunday

Boy, am I tired! Tired and sore from yesterday....but I got up at 4:00 a.m.! My husband had to work and that's what time the alarm went off. Bleh! My 9 year old son also decided that would be a great time to get up and watch tv. Then, of course, Merlin also thought it was time to get up! Yeesh! Did I mention I hate house training a puppy? lol Next Saturday we start puppy classes at Petco! That should be fun. I've never taken them before.

Today the kids and I will clean house a bit. My Dh's family will be coming here for Thanksgiving this year. I can't believe this year is almost over! I haven't even started Christmas shopping! I'm hoping to get some gifts made this year.

The pic today is of a name frame I made for my bellydance instructor. I hope she likes it!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

We made it!!

Today were tryouts for our karate school's competition team and my youngest daughter, my son and myself made it! My oldest daughter didn't want to try out. I think she regrets it now. There's always next year. We had tryouts for 4 hours. We ran a mile...did pushups....crunches...kicks....forms....weapons...a little bit of everything. I'm tired and a little sore!

More good news! We got a new puppy!!! He's a Siberian Husky and his name is Merlin. I've posted a picture of him. What do you think?!

Have a great evening!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Christmas music......already?!! of our local radio stations is playing continuous Christmas music. I've been listening too! I do like Christmas music....just seems a bit early for it yet.

I actually did get some cleaning done in my craft room (my husband calls it my 'crap' today. I have so much stuff!! Where did it all come from?!

Made some peanut butter fudge to take to the competition team tryouts tomorrow. My SBM's (karate instructors) love it! of them DID say that anyone bringing peanut butter fudge ( that anyone being me because I'm the only one that makes it and they know this lol) will get special treatment. LOL I know he was kidding, but I'll take some anyway. Everyone seems to like it. I'm nervous about trying out. My kids don't seem to be nervous...but then again they never are!

The pic today is the view at 7:00 this morning from my front porch. I never thought I'd like living in the country, but I love it! So quiet and peaceful.

Wish me luck tomorrow!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just a rainy Wednesday

Looks like it's going to do this all day. Oh well, I suppose we need it. After Monday being so pretty though.....

I need to do more housework today. It never ends, I tell ya! Do you ever feel unappreciated for all that you do?

I am so sore today. I went to karate class Monday night, Tuesday morning and Tuesday night after not going for 3 weeks. Ouch! It's a good sore though and I love it! Yes...I must be a glutton for punishment. I'll be going tomorrow morning and tomorrow night as well. Saturday we're having competition team try outs. All 3 of my kids and myself are going to go try out. What can it hurt, huh? Well, besides me of course! lol At this point in time, I think I'll be the only adult over 25 trying out. I'm pretty sure I'll be the only adult female trying out. The try outs last for 4 hours. Phew!

Today I need to run down to the elementary school and take care of some PTO things. I'm really trying to do some good with our PTO. We hadn't had one for a few years and then I was elected President. It's a small school and there isn't a lot of parental involvement sometimes. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

The pic today is of a simple pair of hoop earrings my oldest daughter bought me for my birthday. I added the wire wrap and beads around them. Pink, my oldest daughter's favorite color! Guess who has the earrings now?

Monday, November 13, 2006

It's Monday

It's a beautiful day already! The sun is shining and it's a cool and crisp 28 degrees outside! It's supposed to be in the 60's later today. I didn't get as much accomplished yesterday as I should have. Yes I know...shame on me! hehe Today I hope to get more crafting done......well, and MAYBE some housework too. Tonight we'll go to karate class. I haven't been in 3 weeks for one reason or another and I KNOW I'll be sore tomorrow. That's ok. I LOVE it!

The pic today is of some earrings I made. The biggest pair is made from bottlecaps. The other pair is just simple beading. I hope, one day, to be able to make some things to sell! Not just jewelry, but other things as well.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

If you don't like the weather......

Yep! It changed! Yesterday was rainy, dreary and COLD! My oldest daughter and I went to watch the students of our karate school who were testing for their black belts. Some for 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree black belts! They were awesome!! Later in the afternoon we went out to eat with my husband and our other 2 children as well as some extended family. The kids and I then went to our karate school's Black Belt Spectacular. It was great!

Today will be spent cleaning (BLEH!), catching up on email, relaxing and hopefully creating something artsy! It's beautiful outside today, but still a bit chilly! THIS is the kind of Autumn weather I enjoy!

The picture today is of a pendant I made from a game piece.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Is this really November?

It's so warm outside today! In the 70's! I love the Autumn season and love when the air turns crisp. Today is NOT that kinda day! Of course, tomorrow it's only supposed to be in the 50's. What's that they say about Alabama weather? If you don't like it, stick's bound to change?

I bought the latest issue of Somerset Studio magazine last night. So many beautiful works of art in there! So much inspiration! I need to get started on some Christmas gifts. SOON!

This whole week has been occupied with supporting our karate school. Those that were able to test for their Brown and Black belts have been doing so all week long. I've enjoyed watching the tests. I hope that will be me in a few more years, as well as each of my children!

The picture I've posted today is of a few more 4 x 4's I did for the alphabet swap on one of my yahoogroups. This time I chose R, for Red and Romance. The images are from Artchix Studio. I love their products!

Thursday, November 9, 2006

My very first blog!

Well, hello there! This is my very first blog so bear with me! I'll be using this blog to share some of my artwork and tell about what I've been up to.
This is a 4 x 4 I did for a swap on one of my many yahoogroups. It was my very first 4 x 4. We each chose letters of the alphabet and created 4 x 4's for those. Obviously, I chose F! I love fairies!